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Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi Everyone,

The Online Peer Group Chat this Thursday 17th March will be on the topic of Decoding Pop Psychology. 


For ease of reference, the times across Australia are in the graphic and listed below:

Western Australia: 4pm

Northern Territory: 5:30pm

South Australia: 6:30pm

Queensland: 6pm

New South Wales, Victoria, ACT & Tasmania: 7pm


For those new to Online Peer Group Chats, each chat session focus on a specific topic and is guided by peer workers with lived experience of mental health issues. Counsellors are in the background to make sure chats are as safe as possible for participants. It is a space for peers to share their story and experiences, and connect with those who are going through something similar.

Peer Group Chats are hosted outside of the forums, using a platform called Chatwee. To join an Online Peer Group, you will need to register for an account with Chatwee. On the night, follow this link and log in to your Chatwee account before the group starts.

You can join our Online Peer Group Chats every Thursday from 7:00-8:30pm (AEST/AEDT).

Check out the FAQs page for more information.


More about the Upcoming Topic: The lines between psycho-education, self-help and psychology are becoming increasingly blurred, especially on social media. One can notice normal emotions being pathologized into disorders or trauma. Let's come together to detangle these jargons and simple claims and answers to decode complex human psyche... as well as explore the benefits of it!


I'm going to tag a few members who may be interested in this topic. Feel free to spread the word, tag others and support this post for further reminders closer to! @Shaz51  @RASH  @Historylover  @wellwellwellnez  @Campbarry  @Mrsomebody  @-JJ- @NatureLover  @Appleblossom  @P12  @Gwynn 


Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

In my younger days, older people were all considered to be 'senile'. Regrettably. But that was the only term used as I recall.


Today, throwing psychologically diagnostic terms at people in the general population, to denigrate them, has become standard practice. Everyone seems to be regarded as psychotic, paranoid, neurotic... And everyone is an expert. I see so many misconceptions in people's posts and wish there was better, considered conversation which broadened people's minds and enabled them to better help themselves, but they all seem to just fizzle out. And then, it's just back to everyone beating their heads against the walls.


There are just so many misconceptions even among the so-called 'experts'. How on earth can all of these dissimilar, even conflicting, notions be correct? Incorrect beliefs have been sown broadly and are flourishing. And when everyone thinks he/she is correct, how can this system be corrected? We have to learn from each other and correct to heal our wounds but so much conversation leads nowhere. What is the answer?


Is this a little of what you are talking about, @MrNobody21?


Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

I love this... I always thought that I was the only one calling it pop psychology 🙂

Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Beautifully worded, @Historylover . I know for myself that nuanced conversations have had a profound impact on the way I see things. I guess that's what tonight's topic is about...we all know what's best for us at the end of the day and pop psychology can often take away the 'humanness' of our everyday experiences. I so wish we had a manual with answers...but that's a conversation for another day we, hope to see you tonight!

Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the next Online Peer Group Chat is about to begin (7PM) on the topic of Decoding Pop Psychology. Times across Australia are listed below:


NSW, Vic, ACT & Tasmania: 7pm

WA: 4pm

NT: 5:30pm

SA: 6:30pm

Queensland: 6pm


@Shaz51 @Historylover @-JJ- @Gwynn @Mrsomebody @NatureLover @Appleblossom @RASH @P12 

Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@MrNobody21, I had such a big day yesterday that I was too exhausted to find my way through the sign in procedure. So sorry to have missed it.

Re: Online Peer Group Chat// Decoding Pop Psychology// Thursday 17th March 2022 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Is it possible to read the transcript of last night's chat @MrNobody21?

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