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Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

@HopefulWife , it is not wrong to lie my friend xx 

My time out was to have a nice soak in our bathtub of Epsom salts which did help before our house fire 

I always felt I had to be strong  but we need to look after ourselves  too 

And I am still learning 

What hobbies do you like doing,  something that is just for you xx

Mine is word games on the computer xxx

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

@Shaz51 thanks for talking and saying it's ok to lie.


We don't have a bath so my way is to stand in the shower and have my head directly under the water and let it run all over my face. 


I don't really have hobbies nowadays. I like watching Netflix and Disney Plus. I watch TV mostly by myself so I guess that's my me time at the moment. I am thinking of taking up running but I suffer Asthma so I don't know how that will go.



Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

Yes @HopefulWife , I only have a shower now  since we have moved in with my elderly mum who has undiagnosed dementia 

Netflix and tv sounds good,  how about just walking 

My Mr shaz OCD flares up when he is anxious 

My other one is having a nice cuppa outside xx

Hve you any furbabies? 

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

Hello @HopefulWife and welcome to the forum.


I’m sorry life is so hard at present and that you desperately need a break,


I have asthma and so long as it’s stable and I have my puffer in my pocket I can go for a run or walk each day to get some headspace. It really helps most of the time.

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband



I find walking doesn't give me the same relaxed feeling as running does, I guess I feel like when I'm running I can run away from everything.


My husband is the other way his OCD flares up his anxiety. He gets intrusive and unrational thoughts, mostly about other people's safety like if he doesn't do this then this person will get hurt. For example today he was worried that with the bins out on the street for collection and our cat going outside that someone was going to catch her and throw her in the bin.


The answer your question about furbabies we have a 5yr old Kelpie and a 6yr crazy cat

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband



Thanks for the support and I will give it a go, just need to remember to bring puffer and I guess don't push to hard

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

One step at a time my friends xx @HopefulWife , @Eve7 

My husband is totally  worried about lots of things tonight 

He is putting lots of fairy lights around tonight 

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband



Completely agree one step, one day at a time.


Sorry if to curious and feel free not to answer. Is the fairy lights for Christmas or a coping thing?

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband

Ha ha fairy lights  for Christmas @HopefulWife , @Eve7 

But my husband has bipolar 2 as well so he is in a high at the moment when he buys things 

And tonight he has checked the locks already  

Will tag @NatureLover as she may help with OCD too 

Re: Burnt Out Wife, OCD and Anxiety Husband


Fairy lights are pretty but I feel like he would worry about a fire happening.


My husband is an impulse buyer and a mild hoarder so he will buy things we don't need and buys multiple but he thinks maybe one day we might need it. 

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