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Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Yeah I am, kids are cats fans I go for north Melb @Tilz

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hey there @Snowie  🙂

My day is going ok thank you.. just a bit slower than I would like, but getting there 🙂 xx


How are you going today? 🙂 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

My day has been ok thanks @Shaz51  🙂

How about you and Mr Shaz and your mum? xx 🙂

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

I'm ok thanks @Former-Member 

Just tired from a long drive home.

As much as I enjoyed our time away, will be glad to sleep in my own bed tonight. Nothing quite like it!


Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Glad to hear youre doing ok @Snowie  🙂


Yes, sometimes coming home and staying that first night back in bed at home is the last part of the holiday, I think! 🙂 💜

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

And with you excited furbaby who missed you @Snowie 


Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Oh it so is @Former-Member 

Nothing better then your own bed.


How are you going?

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

@Shaz51 she has calmed down a bit now but hasn't left my side. Asleep on my lap at the moment. 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Too right, especially after a long drive home too @Snowie 😊

Not too bad, thank you xx 🙂

Was thinking to go make a nice cup of decaf coffee... I need to make some biscuits though (Ive been a bit slow on the Anzac bics lately hehe!)

I hope you can relax for the evening now youre home 🙂

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Maybe I should have decaf @Former-Member I drink way too much coffee.


This evening will hopefully be relaxing. Watch some tv and an early night. Least S is on holidays so don't have to get up early and take him to school.


Anzac biscuits sound yummy. I have only ever made them once. Might have to try again.


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