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Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Yes, @Snowie , decaf is a really nice option - especially in the afternoon and onwards 🙂 xx 


I have instant (Im too lazy to stand and make the coffee machine coffee just for myself! haha), and the one I use is Nescafe Gold Decaf, because it is decaffeinated using steam/water, instead of chemicals, so it is a bit better for health. I was always a moccona drinker, however they use a chemical process to decaffeinate, so I switched to Nescafe Gold Decaf instead 🙂 


Sounds like a nice easy evening, with S on holidays 🙂


I love making Anzac pics - they are my go-to for bics!


I hope you dont mind, I wanted to share the recipe I use, which is from this web site: Anzac Bics  🙂 xx 

These ones turn out a bit soft in the middle, while being crunchy around the outside, if you'd like to try them sometime 🙂 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

We have a coffee pod machine @Former-Member but I use just the instant coffee too.

I use just Nescafe so might have to try their decaf option.


Thanks for that website. Will look at it. Need to go food shopping tomorrow so might just have to buy the ingredients!



Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

ooh a coffee pod machine sounds actually a lot easier than the grind machines @Snowie  🙂

I hope you like the decaf option - I think its very nice and smooth 🙂


my pleasure - I really hope you enjoy making them! 😀

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Dinner done ✔️ @Former-Member , @Snowie 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

very nice @Shaz51 

just about to pop to the kitchen, and get dinner finished before an early night.. up early for a doc appointment tomorrow 🙂 

Hope you can have a restful night xx

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hope you have a restful night sleep too @Former-Member , @Snowie , @Tilz 🙂

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

The only problem with the coffee pod machine is that I brought the wrong pods @Former-Member I thought they were all the same but obviously not. Hubby and my daughter use it a lot.


Tea done here too @Shaz51. Sent hubby down the street for take away. Took me ages to prepare!!


I hope your night is peaceful too.

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Take away @Snowie perfect :ok_hand: 👍 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Lovely River Photos @Shaz51 Thank you.

I've not been able to do much Hanging Out on this thread, this Easter Weekend.

Despite my needing to, & my best intentions.

Utterly exhausted is an under-statement....


Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

That’s marketing tactics at its best I reckon @Snowie 😉🌺

like when they used to make cars with all different connectors to read the computer - every single manufacturer used to make a different connector! Finally industry standardisation meant that they all started using the same universal connector… some things in life take so much more resources, and checking, and waste, before us humans make things easier 🙂🌺

sorry.. it reminded me of that, reading what you mentioned about the coffee pods ☺️

I hope you have a lovely day 🌺🙂

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