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Community Lead

Support for Miaow :)

HI @Miaow ,


I thought I'd create this thread for you so the community can get to know you a bit more.


It's good to hear that you are wanting to get some tips and tricks for coping, as well as getting out a bit more.


I wonder if you'd be interested in these threads:


1) ~ The Toolshed ~ 

2) Our coping toolbox 🧰 


Do you have any hobbies?


Re: Support for Miaow :)

Hi @Miaow

welcome to the SANE forum, I read your welcome post and your situation sounds a lot like my family's. 3 of my children have been diagnosed ASD (autism), and I am highly suspected but yet to be diagnosed. My family is very complex and like you, don't understand their bodies and asking what they feel either body or mind, will result in a meltdown, and even they are complex as 1 of my children can't except anything other than happiness, so a meltdown for her is bouncing off the walls laughing, even when others might be crying for the same thing. With my 24yo you can almost count down the words  until shutdown or I get "too many words"  and then she hides in her safe space ( her room) 


I am here to talk about whatever you need, I understand the fight and frustrations over getting people to not only listen, but to really understand and help you. For me it is draining and isolating, and I have been made to feel like I'm anti social, because people don't understand our needs. 


I'm here to support you 😊

Re: Support for Miaow :)

hello @Miaow

i just wanted to welcome you to the forums. im here if youd ever like to talk 🙂

Re: Support for Miaow :)

Hey there @Miaow 😊

Welcome to the Forums 🌺

There's lots of helpful tips and tools here on the SANE site, as well as lots of threads discussing lots of topics - I found things by making good use of the search bar, as well as getting to know our members in the chit-chat threads we have (search Good Morning! and Share a Cuppa if you'd like to 🙂).

Otherwise, if you'd like to get in touch directly, tag using '@' in front of a name, and that'll get through to the person youre wanting to chat with.

Looking forward to seeing you around the Forums!


Re: Support for Miaow :)

Hey @Miaow! It's exciting to meet you.

After reading your welcome/introduction post, I want to say that I feel immense camaraderie with your sense of anxiety surrounding socialisation. Regarding something you wrote, you absolutely do not seem too negative; from where I stand, you are simply expressing the way you feel, which is both incredibly strong and a very courageous start on the road to recovery.

I want to thank @tyme for starting the thread and suggesting the Coping Mechanisms thread and the Toolshed thread. I also want to thank @PinkFlamingo for their beautiful words of encouragement, ongoing support on the forums, and the reminder to use the '@' feature (more useful than I always think hahaha).

Please don't hesitate to respond here. Some of us may take a while, but we are available, and will always respond. You are in our hearts 🌻

May I ask if there are close people you currently have for in-person support?

Thinking of you, and sending kindness and love ❤️

Re: Support for Miaow :)

Thank you so much @Xibon  and you as well 🥰🌺💜🫂

I hope you’re doing well @Miaow 💜🙂

drop us a line anytime 🫂🌺

@tyme 🙌🏻🙂

Re: Support for Miaow :)

Hi @Miaow ,


How are you going today?

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