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Managing thoughts of suicide & self-harm

Senior Contributor


I've been feeling off for a while now I did get put on stronger meds to try help everything calm down and helped a bit for a while but now it's getting bad again I really want my head to be quiet I haven't had quiet in my head since I was 14 its really tempting to listen to the voices when they tell me they will be quiet if I hurt myself 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Spiralling

Hi @Twilightsomniac I'm hearing how overwhelming and forceful these thoughts are right now. 


It's understandable that you'd be looking for ways to have some reprieve from these thoughts, however the tricky thing is that often with self-harm thoughts and urges become more powerful when we give in to them. 


Have you found that anything has helped to make these voices quieter, even just temporarily? Some people find alternative actions to self-harm helpful in providing a distraction while they ride out the urges. There's more information and suggestions in this blog post by SANE if you want to check it out.


Have you spoken to your doctor, or any other supports about the intensity of these thoughts recently?

If you feel that you're unable to keep from hurting yourself please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or contact them via their crisis chat service. 


I'm sorry that you're going through this right now, but please know you're not alone and there are people here to help and support you

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