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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @chibam , this is my thread 🙂 So I thought I'd answer you here, so as not to take up too much of the other thread. 


I googled the Gold Rule of Therapy as I'd never heard of it before. Got some conflicting information. 


I know you prefer a social type of therapist - I think you might've used the word psychosocial therapist in the past? Can't quite remember. But I was wondering, is that the sort of thing more covered by social workers? I mean, addressing the living situation, socialisation, jobs etc of their clients? 

I know my psychologist definitely makes my life better. But it took me 18 years to find a therapist who did (the first one retired and now I have this psychologist). 


I'm just so sorry you got those two unprofessional therapists (I'd like to say worse about them). And that you feel your life's not worth living. Hugs, @chibam (if that's OK). 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello dear @Dimity , it's lovely having you back. 


Sorry to hear a top was stolen from your letterbox! 😮


Yes, I find having people in my house difficult. Tradies especially, as they have to touch things. I wanted to get a quote for a power-point in the bedroom today, but I've changed my mind as I don't want anyone in there. But I cleaned the bathroom where the shower fan plus 2 lights aren't working, for the electrician this morning. 


Suitable rental properties are so rare, plus I'm on Centrelink making it harder to rent anything at all, so I'm happy to pay for maintenance. 


No more Covid yet at work (fingers crossed)...


@Dimity wrote:

I need to get back to decluttering again after taking a couple of days off. I made a real effort last week - it also paid off in reduced screen time and improved mood. 

I'm glad to hear it paid off in more ways than one 🙂 Good luck with it today...


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover wrote:

I googled the Gold Rule of Therapy as I'd never heard of it before. Got some conflicting information.

That's so much of the problem right there, @NatureLover . Nobody ever says anything in plain english, and what information we can glean about the system often seems to contradict other information we get.

Yes, I do often talk about psychosocial therapists, @NatureLover , but honestly, I have no idea whether or not I'm even using it correctly. The more I read/watch about all these various therapist types, the more confused it seems I get. I don't talk like a beaurocrat, and I don't particularly understand their language either. "Social worker"? I don't know. Maybe that's what I need. TBH, I tend to associate that term more with people who's job is to make sure delinquent teens aren't violating their parole conditions.

But if that's the case, then what's the differance between a "social worker" and a "psychosocial therapist"?

@NatureLover wrote:

I'm just so sorry you got those two unprofessional therapists (I'd like to say worse about them). And that you feel your life's not worth living. Hugs, @chibam (if that's OK). 

Thanks, @NatureLover 🙂

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover @Dimity nice to see you guys back.  i miss this thread.  i can relate to it so much.  Hearing you guys speak makes me feel less alone in my struggles.  Yesterday I did a clean up of paperwork that had piled up over 2 years.  Both my parents died during that time & i felt immense grief filing everything away.  It really triggered me but it needed to get done.  This mess cant go on.  I have to clean my desk tomorrow.  I might start tonight if i can.  I know I dont have spoons but I have been using that excuse for a while and I cant do that anymore.  I got angry when I couldnt find something the other day with the piles of junk.  I need to clean my desk before I go back to work from my annual leave.


Dimity-sorry to hear you had you delivery stolen. But I am glad u r back.


Naturelover - good to hear you are ok.  I understand the issue with covid.  I had two appointments today and it did my head in.  I had my c02 monitor in the 2nd appointment and it was pushing 900+ ppm in the room and when I had a moment , i opened the meeting room door, then the front door to the office which was near and held it open for 2-3 mins, and the c02 went down to 700ppm or so.  They were probably wondering what the hell I was doing (they stepped away from the meeting & I took the opportunity...).  I had my N95 on the whole time.  People stare but I dont care.  They wont be there to help me when I get sick, or pay my bills...  I have realised that staying covid safe/flu safe etc is like being a germophobe but like it's weird because it is justified.  Its just now, instead of being pre-occupied with like washing my hands (which I still do, to some degree), I am pre-occupied with cleaning the air.  It shouldnt be this way.  They should mandate clean air in all buildings.  Like they do clean water etc, you dont see  us boiling our own water to ensure its safe to drink.


I also have these recurring dreams where i am in a public place like a shopping centre and I forgot my mask and that feeling of existential dread.  I treat my mask like underwear.  Never leave home without it 🤣

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hope you got the electrical work done without any problems @NatureLover . I could do with an extra powerpoint in the bedroom too but couldn't face having the work done until I've sorted stuff.

@scruffypuffball well done on going through the papers. I still have papers relating to my late parents although they passed more than 10 years ago. I should try to tackle them again. I've already dealt with some and know how daunting it is. Are you planning anything special for your annual leave? It's a time to relax, unwind, and recharge the batteries, and enjoy a change of scenery if you can. 

The specialist I saw today said covid admissions to hospitals are up again, with the covid/flu/RSV season not yet underway, so they're recommending masks again. I'm guessing your co2 monitor is an indicator of airflow @scruffypuffball ? I didn't know portable personal ones were available. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@DimityI have an Aranet and it is small.  I does measure air flow yes.  But not exactly air quality.  For example you can have high C02, but if you have a good quality air purifier running (correct size for the room), the air might not have as much viruses / pollen / pollution /dust but high C02 if there is poor ventilation.  So in the absence of an air purifier in most public indoor spaces, all I can do is open doors/windows if applicable or decide I wont stay in an indoor space that is say over 1000ppm.  Ideally you would have both adequate ventilation and air purifier.


I was in a meeting at work with 21 people, even with the windows open (they dont open very wide), C02 was like 1400ppm, I was the only one masking.  So every 15-20mins I had to walk out of the meeting room, open the automatic door in the corridor to let in outside air, so my bosses were looking at me like "where are you going?" 😅  It comes across as rude but I show them the Aranet and explain what I am doing and as I work in a nursing home anyway, they understand.  We have air purifiers in the elders rooms.


In every workplace, we have fire wardens...I am the self appointed clean air warden.  It is just basic infection control.  Times have changed and risk mitigation applies.  It is worth it.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It's a valid concern @scruffypuffball . And yes re both ventilation and air purification. It occurs to me I haven't got a clue whether my new a/c is recycling or bringing in fresh air. I'll have to read the manual. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimityme too

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , yes, the electrician fixed the 2 bathroom downlights and the shower fan. One of those lights has never worked. But I had to laugh at myself, as the lovely new bright lights make me look old! And show up every streak and speck of dirt in the bathroom, lol! I will have to clean it much better for the inspection this time!


The new power points he quoted will be too expensive, and putting in a fan over the stove as well, so I won't go for those. 


How did you go yesterday with the specialist? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your nice reply, @chibam  🙂


@chibam wrote:
"Social worker"? I don't know. Maybe that's what I need. TBH, I tend to associate that term more with people who's job is to make sure delinquent teens aren't violating their parole conditions.

I had thought social workers did more than that, that they helped with every aspect of life, but I've never actually had one myself, so I could be wrong. 


I've only ever heard the term "psychosocial therapist" from you, so I googled it. It appears that my psychologist does the "talk" side of this, not the activities though obviously. She helps me with anything I need, like work problems, social problems, etc. (I'm aware that I'm exceedingly fortunate in finding her)


@chibam wrote:

But if that's the case, then what's the differance between a "social worker" and a "psychosocial therapist"?

I'm guessing the difference is that the social worker helps with practical stuff like maybe making difficult phone calls or advocating for people, whereas the psychosocial therapist can also do talk therapy for the mental stuff like depression and anxiety? What do you think? 

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