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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

You're on a roll, @Dimity ! 🙂


Yes, I guess it would make you anxious. I hope it goes better than you expect, tomorrow morning. 


I've only done 1/2 hour so far, but I did some sewing (mending) prior to that, which doesn't count as cleaning and tidying. Still haven't tackled the kitchen. 


I don't feel in the mood to tackle building the garden planter today - apparently it's tricky to build. So I will work inside, apart from my usual afternoon walk / time in nature. 


I hope your afternoon's tidying goes well and you have the energy...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done on the mending @NatureLover . It does count as a domestic chore, even if not in the tidying category. I hope you found the energy to tackle the kitchen. I didn't realise you walked too.

I worked hard at cleaning but overdid it. I got worried by the clutter and my stress and blood pressure went very high. I haven't been checking my BP but probably should. It was close to being an emergency, and I felt very unwell. Rest and deep breathing brought it down a bit, then I managed a short walk. 

I'm not really coping at the moment. 

I'll set the alarm for 6:30 tomorrow. I suspect the NBN problem was caused by the rain as you say but I know they'll want to check the inside sockets.

Good luck with work tomorrow. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity ,just wanted to leave you a morning greeting as you are getting up so early. 


Very sorry about your strss and distress and blood pressure 😥 


I hear you when you say you're not coping. So sorry. I hope you were able to sleep last night.


It's not really a walk as I don't go far, just to spend time in nature. I still haven't tackled the kitchen! 


Thank you for your wishes regarding work. It's always a big deal for me to go. 


Thinking of you this morning and hoping it goes well and your blood pressure doesn't spike 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

How did the NBN technician's visit go this morning, @Dimity ?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @NatureLover it was lovely to see your message this morning.  Thankyou. 

Well I waited 4 hours and noone came so I contacted the ISP. Turned out NBN was back on but I'd reset my modem to factory settings Friday... long story short I'm reconnected now, low vision notwithstanding. Very difficult but I had noone in the house. 

I did some decluttering while I was waiting, it was gifted time. 

How was work?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Sorry it was so difficult, especially when you got up early. But I'm glad you're connected now and that no-one came inside! 


Plus you got decluttering done! Well done 🙂


Work was nice and quiet for once. Glad to be home although I missed a nice sunny day by being inside. Maybe I can get outside tomorrow. 


Hope you can sleep longer tonight 🙂 @Dimity 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover did you get some time in the sun today?

I tried to get started on some work inside and outside but got very little done. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I realised that I didn't actually get out in the sun yesterday. I was busy inside doing business affairs, making appointments, writing birthday cards, plus I picked up a parcel and went shopping for someone's present. 


(I still haven't done the kitchen! I might have to resort to the "10 minutes only" system that I use.)


Well done for trying to get work done. I know from experience that it doesn't always work. 


Good luck today 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Glad you had a productive day yesterday. 

I shopped a couple of suburbs over, a nice change. Not sure where the rest of the day went.

Savour your time at work, it's important.

Best wishes @NatureLover 

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