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This is my first post on here. My husband of ten years has diagnosed schizophrenia and a history of complex trauma. He has been seeing psychiatrists and psychologists for years and seemed to be managing his symptoms quite well in recent times (I am his carer). A week ago he had a terrible psychotic episode and assaulted my male friend who ended up in hospital with serious injuries. My husband has been at the watch house ever since. Today he was transferred to the remand centre with the general population and is facing potentially 7 years behind bars. I am absolutely devastated because I know that one of his symptoms is delusions. During these episodes he loses complete contact with reality and sees people as enemies, spies, demons, etc., even me! He is not of sound mind and should not be in prison. He needs help not punishment. I'm not getting any help or support either. Today I spent the whole afternoon ringing around different organisations but got nowhere. Furthermore, I forked out nearly $3000 just for the bail application. I had to borrow money to get a private lawyer, even though he is on disability pension and I'm on carers pension, because the duty lawyer at the court refused to talk to me (because I'm not her client) or accept his medical records. She didn't even do a bail application and had his case adjourned for 6 weeks! It's a nightmare and I'm at the end of my rope. If he does make bail he can come back home, but I'm told that I'll have to live elsewhere while he's there, because I'm an eye witness to the assault. I really feel like giving up on everything. Any help or advice would be deeply appreciated. 


Re: Schizophrenia

So sorry for all the trauma you have experienced. @Rosy_77 


The criminalising of mental health issues is a profound problem.  Wish I could link you to a legal service that would help.  There are Disability legal services that might help and Legal Aid.


Re: Schizophrenia

@Appleblossom thank you so much for your kindness and advice.

Re: Schizophrenia

Hope you can get help for him and for you. @Rosy_77 

Sadly I know about watchhouses and remand centres.

Re: Schizophrenia

@Appleblossom I'm sorry to hear that you or a loved one has been through something similar. I've been reading up about the criminalization of mental illness (your previous comment) and it is a huge problem. I can't get my head around the fact that someone with a diagnosed severe mental disability can be thrown into a general population prison. He has been getting treatment for schizophrenia for years. Thankfully his psychiatrist is getting involved in this, which I'm hoping will help get him out. I'm really scared for his future and who will look after him, especially now that I've been told I can't live with him for the duration of his court case. Thank you for discussing this with me. I feel less alone. 

Re: Schizophrenia

TW: Sexual Abuse 



Glad there is someone involved to help. I do not understand why he cannot live at his home with you while on bail, at least my son could, under curfew and conditions.  It is over as of last month, kind of ....  Police agreed he should have no record , but there are consequences for us.


My son was seriously sexually abused in prison by guards. Edited.


I cannot respect that system now, though have to be disciplined and model being law abiding, as a responsible parent. 


I wish you the best outcome.

Re: Schizophrenia

@Appleblossom that is disgusting! I'm so sorry that your son and you had to endure that. This is my biggest fear... that my husband will be abused in some way by guards because he's 'different'. I tried to see him on Saturday but had to apply for a visit that I might get in 7 days. I gave the prison money for him so he can call me but haven't heard anything since the day he arrived at the remand centre. Another tortured night wondering if they have him in a padded cell or are hurting him. He's been through so much pain in his life already, this is only going to trigger and hurt him more. I believe the problem is that he is on the wrong medication, or the dose is not strong enough. And for that he has paid a terrible price. I'm absolutely shattered and can't stop crying. Thank you for your support and kindness. 

Re: Schizophrenia

Hi Rosy,


You could try for general advice and perhaps more information. Another option might be legal aid, depending on which state you are in.

Re: Schizophrenia

Its great they have set up a service for Mental Health Legal issues. Its def needed. @Grifter 

Hope you can find a service in your area @Rosy_77 

It may not happen to your husband.  Sorry I probably should not have shared that, it kind of burst out of me. The staff at Sane emailed me and it was probably good for me to get it out, but not good for your imagination. 

Access at first can be hard and yes you have to put into their accounts so they can phone out.

I travelled by train to visit my son and became fixated by all the little sparrows jumping around on the platform while I was waiting to go home.  Somehow they helped calm me.

Take Care


Re: Schizophrenia


I stumbled across this website, not sure if it would help.

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