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Where to go


i just found this forum (whilst on hold to CAMHS) and hoping to find some support and advice.

my 16 year old daughter has ASD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, restrictive eating, and possibly BPD.

She was on medication until just over 2 weeks ago when she decided she wasn’t going to take it anymore, everytime she was low I would spend hours coaching her to take it, it became extreme I decided to let her stop so she could see the difference it makes (it helps a little), received calls from school and her work today informing me of messages she was sending to friends, leaving this earth, goodbye etc.

She denies any such messages, (I have them) and will not talk to me about it. Off meds she shuts down, walls up, will not talk.

she has an OT and a clinical psych but she barely engages, thinks it’s all pointless, doesn’t work.

She wrote a note in her iPad describing the darkness, the pain, the loneliness, she describes self harm, I haven’t seen evidence.


I can’t get through to CAMHS, I think she needs urgent evaluation, assessment for bpd and possibly inpatient intensive treatment, but I don’t now how to get that, or who to turn to. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Where to go

Hi @SJ23 


I'm really sorry to hear about the challenges you and your daughter are facing. It's understandable that you're concerned and seeking support.


If you're having difficulty reaching CAMHS, keep trying to get in touch with them. Document the attempts you've made and the urgency of the situation. You can also explore other mental health services in your area, such as helplines, crisis centres, or community mental health services. They may provide guidance and support while you await a response from CAMHS. You could also call the adult mental health team (community or inpatient unit) and tell them about your difficulty getting in touch with CAMHS. They should be able to guide you as to what to do.


I would also suggest communicating your concerns to her healthcare providers, including her OT and clinical psychologist, and explain the severity of the situation. They may be able to escalate the urgency of her case or provide alternative options for evaluation and treatment.


Also take some time for your own self-care. It's so important especially during this tough time. Even if it's taking ten minutes during the day to meditate, walk in nature, or read a book.


Please keep reaching out and let us know how you are going with it all.





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