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Re: Far and Away

Sounds like you have a lot going on @Zoe7 

I hope things go smoothly for you. I know you will get it all done, I guess just how much it takes out of you is the question. Count down is on hon 💗💗


Re: Far and Away

♥️💕 @Zoe7 @Snowie @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Emelia8  ….. baby dragons are here 😏

Re: Far and Away

Good morning all @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Former-Member and anyone else around.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.


@Faith-and-Hope enjoy your time with your baby dragons 😁



Re: Far and Away

Reporting time amidst everything @Snowie so a bit snowed under but feeling okay.


@Faith-and-Hope 🥰

Re: Far and Away

Hey hon @Zoe7 good to hear from you.

No doubt you are snowed under. The end is in sight.

Glad you are feeling ok, maybe even better when you are on holidays!

Re: Far and Away

2 more weeks for us @Snowie but I am looking forward to the break. It has been such a hard term even though I had the first few weeks off - that just made it harder to catch up but I am getting there.

Re: Far and Away

I hope the last few weeks go ok for you hon @Zoe7 and the kids aren't too rowdy. They do seem to get tired near the end of the term.


S on holidays here for 3 weeks so looking forward to not having to do the school run.

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