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Just hanging in

Hi I have major depressive disorder and complex PTSD. I have been unwell for 6months. I have had ect without much benefit. I’m really struggling with anxiety and depression at the moment and feel very isolated. I have joined this forum in the hope I can connect with others that are going through the same. 


Re: Just hanging in

Hey @Bettyboop2 welcome to the forums! 😊


I'm so sorry to hear you've been dealing with a lot of heavy emotions recently, I can imagine how overwhelming and exhausting it must be to carry that around. It's really amazing to see you reach out for support and open up to us in the forums, I know how challenging it can be so I hope you're proud of yourself for taking that step. 


Do you have any supports in place? Have you found any useful self-soothing/self-care tools in managing those feelings of anxiety and depression? 

I've found that talking to a professional (for me it was my clinician and psych) helped me process those emotions and also helped me find tools to use to feel less anxious. For me, reframing my thoughts through journaling, taking regular breaks, making to-do lists/plans, breathing exercises, walking/going to the gym, spending time in nature/scenic places, etc., are some ways that have helped me feel calmer. There's this self-care box thread that has some more tools that have helped others - feel free to check it out!


If you'd like to talk through your feelings, there are also free services such as:

Although feeling those feelings can be isolating, you are not alone here. Our forums are here for you. If you'd like to connect with some of our other forum members, feel free to introduce yourself in the welcome thread and check out our newbie's social circle! Look forward to seeing you around the forums more 💛


(P.S. here's a lil tip: when replying to posts, you can tag the person you're responding to by using @ and typing the username like this @Bettyboop2 - this way the person will be notified of your response)

Re: Just hanging in

Hello @Bettyboop2 and welcome to the forum where you will find lots of supportive people willing to share their lived experience.


I have major depressive disorder too and recently had a few weeks in hospital with several ect treatments. I like to think it’s been helpful but I don’t know.


Anyway, I hope you feel welcome here.



Re: Just hanging in

I hope your ect helped you . I feel like I’m back to where I was before ect. 

Re: Just hanging in

Hi I am really struggling. I think I need to be back in hospital. I am relying heavily on medication. I’m lacking the motivation or energy to push through this. I have a good psychiatrist and amazing husband but I don’t have any friends to open up to. I feel like I can’t keep going like this. 

Re: Just hanging in

Hey @Bettyboop2 ,


Thank you for sharing. Do you still have maintenance ECT sessions?


What are some things you enjoy doing that keep you motivated?

Re: Just hanging in

I don’t have maintenance ect. My next treatment would be TMS which I have had in the past with success. My 17yr old son keeps me motivated to keep going. I also find my dogs and horses help. I just feel like my brain has shutdown. I feel so numb.

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