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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Good luck with the gardening @NatureLover 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

I'd like to be on top of the house and garden in case I lose my vision and family have to step in.

Oh gosh, that's frightening, @Dimity  😢


I am sending wishes that you don't lose your vision 🤞


With the probiotics, I am never sure whether to take them while I'm taking the antibiotics, or afterwards. I generally settle for afterwards. 


The soap that supposedly doesn't cause itching is $6.95 a bar, so yes, I would like a cheaper one if possible. I say "supposedly" as I've been on that soap now for a few days, and last night my palm was so itchy I scratched it raw 😣 I'm very disappointed, and have dropped the therapy lamp back to half an hour a day. 


I achieved nothing yesterday, not even laundry. This morning I also woke up late (never a good thing for me). However I'm going out for lunch today, so am trying to get myself together. Plus I need to go out early to get some shopping before the lunch, seeing I didn't go yesterday. 


Off to your thread to see your news... 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I hope you got through the shopping and enjoyed your lunch @NatureLover . It's so disappointing about the soap and the lightbox, and your poor hands must be very sore as well as itchy. 

It's unlike you to skip the laundry. I know what it's like to crash... From hints you've dropped in the past I do hope you're feeding yourself well at the moment. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thank you so much for your kind reply @Dimity , and for being attentive to remember it's unusual for me not to do laundry ❤️

I woke up so late yesterday (8am) that I had no time to come online before work. I'd had a bad night so I guess that explains it. This morning I was awake at 4.45am and felt good, put on a laundry wash. But I wish I could get into a regular habit of getting up at the same time every morning. 


I enjoyed my lunch out... I'm eating OK at the moment too, thanks.


Today I can stay home and do gardening and tidying plus more laundry. How about you? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I find keeping a sleep routine hard too @NatureLover . I'm too anxious and uptight to settle at night then sleep into the next day although I set alarms  I've been waking several times during the night lately. 

I slept all morning then spoke to a couple of applicants this afternoon. I'm not really on top of housework other than some essential cleaning. I got another grocery delivery but it seems more expensive than when I shopped myself. Hopefully I'll be walking to the shops again soon.

Did you get into the garden? I raked leaves from the path and went for a short walk - a bit further this time. 

I didn't get the admin stuff done mea culpa. 

Good luck for tomorrow especially if you're tackling the blackberries. 



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done for the essential cleaning and the grocery delivery @Dimity . Also for the raking and walking - that sounds like a very active day. 


I wish your sleep was better and more satisfying. 


I didn't get into the garden, and then last night I remembered it will be raining all weekend! Oops. It's not raining now but it's still dark so I will see if it's raining once it becomes light. 


I did do lots of laundry and also baked a marmalade pudding on impulse!


Home today so hopefully more tidying. 


Good luck with your day today 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Yum re marmalade pudding. I barely cook.

@NatureLover thanks but the walk and raking took mere minutes... so I wasn't very active after all.

Very cold and wet here today. It was freezing waiting for a bus this morning after I gave up on taxis. 

Tidying would be good.  I did a little. And I met a potential helper. I'll meet another tomorrow. 

Looks like a cold week coming up, and wet again tomorrow. A good day for decluttering?





Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hey @NatureLover ,


I feel I haven't caught up with you for a while.


How's your health? Did you end up with the struggles of SAD?


It's been colddddd and rainy here too. I need to do some cleaning and decluttering. Let's see how this goes.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I barely cook either, so the impulse for marmalade pudding was odd!


Sorry to hear you had to give up on disappointing. 


I did 6 hours of tidying on Saturday! I wish the impulse to tidy like that happened more often than it did. Every 2 weeks would be useful...


Then I was out on Sunday and Monday. I've been sleeping in which I find upsetting and means I miss my early morning slot for the forums. Yesterday I barely made it to work, I felt so out of things. 


I'm finding it extra cold this winter, like you said in your post. 


I need to get back on track today with some tidying if possible. I will go and catch up with your news on your thread now...


Keep warm if posssible 🙂

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks so much for visiting, @tyme ! I really appreciate it 🙂


Yes, the S.A.D. has kicked in now. I'm finding this winter especially cold. 


Good luck with your cleaning and decluttering. I am trying to do the same. I know things have been tough for your recently...I hope they improve 🤞

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