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Re: Long term unemployment

not your problem @john74  someone will be training .

Re: Long term unemployment

@TAB it was a voluntary position a d l was burnt out and need a break plus started dairy farm work full time

Re: Long term unemployment

could you get yourself to the place 100ks away til pay day ? pubs /motels do deals on accom can get room for 300/wk or less might be boarding houses , its only til you get some cash then work something else out. I spent years in site vans in caravan parks in the end . its cheap if nothing else @john74  

ie job #1  if you get work accom out , go back to 2 job apps and give fake address lol and its only til you get paid, then can get temp accom closer to job

Re: Long term unemployment

okay fair enough @john74  well up to you whether you are up to it or not re driving.

just take whatevers going then ?

Re: Long term unemployment

@john74 Employment agencies are as serious as clown 🤡 shoes.

All they have ever done is tell me what I can do 🫤

I’ve already exhausted all my options.

It is down right unsupportive.


Re: Long term unemployment

@TAB l was burnt out as a volunteer it became nearly 7 days a week because it was volunteer work only and l was the only local qualified plus fixing things the railway depot was in a small country town. In a paid job there are rules about fatigue management etc so it would be ok

Re: Long term unemployment

@TAB Yes l have been trying other positions like farm work etc but the last 3 farmers ghosted me can't win !!

Re: Long term unemployment

Good point @john74  well make a plan and see how it goes 

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