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Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Morning @Former-Member 🙂

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Good morning @Shaz51  🌺☺️

how are you today? 🤗

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

It's like phone and watch charges @Former-Member It would be great if they were all the same. I have 3 different charges for my watch, phone and headphones.


At least I can donate the coffee pods.


Anyhow, how are you? I hope your day goes well.


Hi also @Shaz51 @Adge @ArraDreaming and anyone else around.

Wishing you a good day. 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Yes that’s right - all these separate connectors means lots of unnecessary spending, manufacturing, shipping, etc. @Snowie 🙂


that’s a great idea re the pods ☺️🌺


I’m ok thanks - just got home from doc appointment…the trip takes ages, and it’s nice to be home out of the traffic. 

nice cuppa and some sausage rolls for lunch.


how’s your day so far? I hope you’re doing well 🌺🙂

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

I hope your doc appointment went well @Former-Member 

Am I right in saying that you got an injection in your arm/shoulder?


My day is going ok. Just trying to motivate myself to go up the street. Have cleaned the bathroom so I guess that is something.

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

good afternoon @Snowie , @tyme , @Adge , @Former-Member 


I hope your doc appointment went well @Former-Member 

we worked this morning ,had  lunch and now just doing our thing 

going to visit mum this afternoon 😊

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

It went really well thanks @Snowie 🙂🌺

I’m hoping to have the injection done soon - the surgeon gave me the name of a really good interventional radiologist who will do it. 
I have torn some muscles off near the bone in my shoulder, but there is a few fibres still hanging on, so they hope that some injections will make it better instead of surgery at this stage. There’s also a large cyst on the joint surface from repeated dislocations - that arm had a really bad injury so it’s always a bit troublesome (and I fall over often, unfortunately). 

so I will book the injections starting soon hopefully 🙂

I’m glad to hear your day is going ok 🌺🙂

yes, cleaning the bathroom is a job well done for the day, indeed ☺️🤗🌺


I hope you enjoy going up the street if you decide to go 🙂🌺

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hey there @Shaz51 🙂🌺

went ok thanks - holding off surgery with an injection or three to see if that helps first. I have a couple tears in my shoulder, but it’s not too bad (that arm is better than it was before the first surgery to fix it), just have to be careful with it. It’s healed some since I fell and damaged it - so that’s a good sign, per the mri 🙂 

sounds like the day is going well for you and Mr Shaz so far today? 🙂

I hope the visit with your mum goes well ☺️🌺

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hope the injections help @Former-Member 🥰

Specialist wants me to have a bone tests first before thinking of injections to help my bones 


A couple of little hiccups but I read a really good article and I am applying them more into every day life and it seems to be helping -- does not mean something might happen next week 


Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hey @Shaz51 howzit hangin?

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