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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I've just be hit with COVID again. But i'm well @Sunnyside226 . Feeling pretty good and looking forward to have an excuse not to see people 🙂 There are no more isolation rules, but at least I can tell people not to see me lol.


Have you been working @Sunnyside226 ?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh @tyme  you really don't like people lol have you been up to much? 


Yes I've been working non stop 😵  

I miss ya  butttttt I have some big news 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh no @tyme!!! Yikes
Again how many times is that now?

What’s the news @Sunnyside226

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@ArraDreaming  I'm going to pop the question in September or October 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Ohh how exciting @Sunnyside226 huge milestone
You wanna know how I did it?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

How did you do it @ArraDreaming ?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

“Hey we should get married what do you think” “amazing sure thing”

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

LOL @ArraDreaming . How original.


That's so exciting @Sunnyside226 ! Woohoo to you. Well no wonder you need to work and save up!

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@tyme @Sunnyside226
well there was little more surrounding that moment that made it a little bit nicer then just that, but I thought I’d spare you the details lol

No but seriously FL that’s really exciting

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@ArraDreaming  that sounds really lovely.  Good on you 


@tyme  haha  you're funny. 


I'm looking after 5 house now  everything is too much 

I'm very excited 😊 

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