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Re: Far and Away

Hello lovely @Faith-and-Hope xx

can you put the time when you post a comment , just for time difference  xxx

love hearing all about your trip

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Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope, love the "kitchen sink supplement" lol Can't wait for tomorrows news. Tell me when you get to walk on "cobble stone" and if you get any snow 🙂 Walking with you xox
@Appleblossom, hope you got a bell on puddy tat Feed, hi @NilNik, @shaz, @Former-Member.
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Re: Far and Away

I spent a bit of time in the UK years ago.  Loved touring London, so much to see.  Stayed in a lovely old hotel across the road from the big park there, I think it's called Hyde Park, am I correct?  @Faith-and-Hope

Last time I travelled I didn't stay in London though, just passing through on way to another country.  Had to spend 5 hours in Heathrow Airport, on the way to Canada.  5 hours is a very long time when in the middle of a long, long flight.

 After travelling for 6 months, I was very happy to be home in my own bed.  That was then though, lol.  Now I am almost ready for another trip.  Funny how we tend to forget how LONG it is to get over there though.  Actually, going there isn't so bad, it's the trip back that seems extra long.  Heart

Re: Far and Away

well at least cold and flu meds over there 4x as strong as 'originals' here .. they don't mess around, more about health and welfare, that may have worked for jetlag, clock took me day or too, the rest was just surreality of being in a different world lol @Faith-and-Hope

Re: Far and Away

Hi everybody .... 😊

@Former-Member ... it's not hard to be walking on cobblestones in the UK .... any old town area still has cobblestones streets, generally.

@Shaz51 .... time difference to WA is 8 hours behind .... so currently 4:07pm here

Yes @Former-Member ... the big park in London is Hyde Park. I love London too.

Yes @TAB ... surreal ....


Re: Far and Away I didnt mind it re early darkness, there's always artificial light ..never had the opposite when its still light at 10pm ..bit harder to turn the dark on lol @Faith-and-Hope

Re: Far and Away

Think that would be Summertime in these same areas @TAB .... and yeah .... heavy drapes maybe ....
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Re: Far and Away

Just dropping in to say howdy @Faith-and-Hope. I'm glad your travels are going well. I can't believe how quickly this week has gone. I hope your feeling revitalised now with all the wonderful stimulation. Your senses must be in overdrive, I think mine would be💜🤗

Re: Far and Away

Yeah @Former-Member ... pretty much ..,, D3 having baby dragon moments ... frustration over her knee ... backwash from graduation stress .... end of year fatigue .... we wear it all like a thrown bowl of cereal really ... 😏

Just had a power nap, then museum with Tweedledum and Tweedledee (S2 & D3). Have managed to land D2 with MIL for the afternoon ... she likes stairs as much as she likes rain ... not !

Will be checking in looking for @Former-Member when I can .... 2 degrees here now, but blue skies and sunshine .... better rug up ....

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Re: Far and Away

I loved the 'wear it like a thrown bowl of cereal' expression, I will be adding it to my collection 😁. Ah baby dragons. I went overseas in 2006 with my partner while kids were at their dads. Spent the entire time saying "I wish the kids were here to see this" Pretty sure if they had been there I would have spent my holiday saying "I wish we could do this on our own" 😳😝😂

enjoy the museum and hopefully not too much rain. Sending best wishes 💜🤗

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