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Re: Tabaluga's

hot here today. hung washing out. @SmilingGecko  lost count of back spasms. somehow not usual area that interferes w walking. think its from getting shocked other day, theyhave damaged a joint

Re: Tabaluga's

God, @TAB I don't know how you put up with all this. Well i guess you better get the joint checked out. You always have a good disposition even though you might be going through difficulties. I'm a bit the same. My thyroid was playing up last week but its stabilised since yesterday. Was feeling awful last week but since yesterday a lot better. I dunno

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I get tired of telling people what's wrong with me @SmilingGecko 

Sick of drs as well.pain meds would help tho. Think nap time here

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes you would @TAB just take it gently today.  Thats what I'm doing - just taking a break for now as we have a astrological Yod in the skies which is a bit difficult for those allready feeling sensitized. I just read about this Yod now but it was posted to my e-mails on Sunday. Its ok to prioritise self care

Re: Tabaluga's

Just threw out recyclables @TAB my kitchen is almost free of mess. The recycle bin was full. Got to post my council vote for the local elections. One of the nominees was a psych nurse. I voted for her around the top. She wants to address mental health in the community which is good. Voted for an accountant at the top as we had financial corruption in our previous council.


I guess i made my vote count but our council went into administration for several years after what went wrong previously. All kinds of dreadful things going on for years. i'm just hoping something might change but i'm not holding my breath lol


ok off to post vote now

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

Just popping in to send some hugs to you wonderfull tabby cat @TAB - Tis indeed so exhausting to have to explain over n over. Hope it's a good nap my friend 🫂

Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @Jynx! How are you going today? Its very warm in Melbourne. I just posted off my council vote. About to organise some lunch then get back into more kitchen cleaning lol I hope things are coasting along well in your world. Nothing more to say just feeling tired and forcing myself to do housework!!! 🙃

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @Jynx  just mean there always seems to be something not right. So I try not to mention if intermittent or goes away after few days else seems am hypochondriac and complaining all the time lol 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

Hi friend!! @SmilingGecko 


Oh yes thank you for the reminder I have to fill that out and get it posted off tomorrow!! 


Yes isn't the sun lovely? I may not be a fan of summer but springtime sunshine is my fav! 


Ach, ain't that just the way with household stuff? Hopefully it will mean that later you can feel very satisfied and kick back in a nice sparkly space!! Hope it goes smooth 😉

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

Oh I know the feeling @TAB I have had stuff where I get to a point where if one more test comes back 'all clean' I'd have screamed. And then I've had a doctor tell me I have health anxiety since I wasn't happy about getting the negative result. Like... if my bill of health is all clean, why do I have all these pains and weird bodily sensations going on? Is this just supposed to be what it feels like to inhabit a body? Doesn't seem right. You really do have to fight to be heard sometimes. 

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