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Re: My special place

Well survived the shopping center. Unfortunately not without bumping into someone we knew. A coffee and about 30 mins later we went on our way. Luckily Mum only needed a few things so that part was good.

Home now and exhausted. Time for a cuppa and the couch!


Re: My special place

Nice @Snowie .


The shopping centres around me are a bit of a no go zone at the moment. There have been incidents EVERY week, similar to the Bondi incident unfortunately. I'm not sure if it's because it is more televised or whether people have gained ideas from Bondi. These are literally the shopping centres closest to me.


Enjoy your lunch!

Re: My special place

The two closest shopping centers near me have also had incidents @tyme. So has the school where I worked. Thats why I hate going to them. Of course it was where my Mum needed to go.


Luckily my little supermarket near me is ok to go, but still try to avoid it on the weekends.

Coffee is lunch today!


How is your day going?


Re: My special place

It's been super quiet on the forums today. I'm hopping off shortly, but even then, it's still quiet. I'm loving the sun shine though @Snowie 


You live in a small rural place, right?

Re: My special place

It's not really that small anymore @tyme but classed as rural. Like anywhere, more and more houses have been built. It has grown a lot over the last 20 years. I guess it is a good area as it is about 60 mins from the city (without any traffic), but still has that small town feel.

Re: My special place

That so lovely @Snowie 


Have you always lived there - with the kids and all? I mean, did the kids grow up there?


Is it fair to say there aren't many schools then?


The schools only 20 mins from me all have 2500 to 3500 kids in them each! It's terrible!

Re: My special place

I didn't grow up here @tyme but my kids have. They have lived in the same house for their whole lives.

No there isn't many schools especially in secondary. You have either the local school or a private school. If you don't like either of them, then it is a bus or a train to another town, which a lot of kids do.


Thats a lot of kids at one school. I'm sure they have many problems with such big numbers.

Re: My special place

Heaps of problems - fights, violence, weapons.. everything. @Snowie  I think it's to do with the size of the area rather than just the people. I often hear about it these schools on the news. SAD...

Re: My special place

Yes @tyme there has been (and always has been) plenty of issues with where I worked. Have been in the news lately too for a few different issues. Few of those reasons are why I am not working and on work cover at the moment.

They are building all these new houses yet not building more schools or having the right support for all these families moving into the area. Lots of different problems.




Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie sorry haven’t been responsive. I hear it’s been rough for you, sending you positive vibes and healing thoughts 💖🫂
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