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Re: My special place

Thanks okay @creative_writer ,


Whatever floats your boat. If you need to hide today, go for it.


Things are okay on my side. It's cold. The kids here are high as the hills. They are re-enacting fairy tales etc... And, they are being plain silly.

Re: My special place

Thanks @creative_writer 

I'm sorry things aren't going great for you either. Sounds like a rough time for quite a few.

Re: My special place

@tyme it’s dark and cold. I’m sleepy and depressed, all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. But I can’t do that, I have other people at home.

I feel when we become adults we often lose the spark we had as kids. I think it helps to be around kids at times to help us connect to that lost spark.

@Snowie it does seem quite a few of us aren’t doing so well. I hope you are able to do lots of self care and look after yourself. Self care becomes even more important when things are rough 💖

Re: My special place

I've heard of it before @tyme but never tried it.

I'm glad to hear that it helped you.


I managed to get dressed today!

Re: My special place

Well, it made me be still @Snowie . I had a 60 min session and at first, I kept thinking of what I had to do once I'd finished. 


It cleared my thoughts and by the end, it was really calming.


It was a unique experience and I think I needed it at the time - just to slow things down.

Re: My special place

It's hard when others are around @creative_writer It takes so much energy at times just to put on that facade, especially when it is family.


I'm struggling to care about myself at the moment. My brain is in damage mode.

Re: My special place

Oh @Snowie ! And CONGRATS for getting dressed today!

Re: My special place

@Snowie it is very exhausting holding up the appearance. I may be considered “high functioning”, like I’m able to do uni and everyday stuff, but it is exhausting. Placement also requires me to keep up the appearances, but I have to keep the appearances up even in my family. So I’m not really get a break until night. But nighttime I’m too exhausted to let the emotions out.

Maybe take it moment by moment. What small thing can you do for yourself right now?

Re: My special place

@tyme it does sound relaxing. I would worry that I couldn't turn my brain off.


@creative_writer it sounds exhausting for you hon. I hope you can find small pockets of time to yourself.


I'm just watching tv at the moment. I got myself dressed but back in bed under my weighted blanket.


Re: My special place

@Snowie I just don’t have a place to go to, but what can I do? There’s nothing.

Getting dressed is an achievement. I’ve been wearing my loungewear all day. What are you watching on TV?
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