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When mental illness enters a family

Here is a short 15 min talk gives 4 good strategies to help when MI enters family.


Re: When mental illness enters a family

I noticed that the Dr has also written a book (you can see it on the left side of the stage). After checking online, the title is "Family Guide to Mental Health Care" by Dr L Sederer. Our local library has a copy so will borrow and study.

We started out with a few pamphlets, online search results of varying quality and snippets of information from mental health staff. It was only after finding a decent book that the puzzle pieces started to come together. We were dealing with something completely new and mystifying but some of these authors have dealt with hundreds of cases. Good books have been helpful to understanding the illness and putting some of the day-to-day issues into perspective. 

Re: When mental illness enters a family

Can I direct you to this talk as a starting point. Both patientpatient and I keep a chart of symptoms, meds, response to meds, hospital stays and ED visits, diagnosis given etc. Good to do this from the start.

Re: When mental illness enters a family

@Former-Member Thanks for this. I will check it out - we are huge readers at our house and I often turn to books for advice but for some reason I hadn't thought to look for a book on being a carer. Just shows how little we talk about these things and how easy it is to think you're the only one!

Re: When mental illness enters a family

Found this one really helpful

Re: When mental illness enters a family

This was helpful to me

Re: When mental illness enters a family

Re: When mental illness enters a family

This talk helpful in how to give info to doc.

Re: When mental illness enters a family


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Re: When mental illness enters a family


This talk (first post in discussion thread) may be of help to you.

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